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modular arithmetic中文是什么意思

用"modular arithmetic"造句"modular arithmetic"怎么读"modular arithmetic" in a sentence


  • 模数算术
  • 模算术, 模运算
  • 同馀


  • An integer used for division in modular arithmetic
  • Information technology - security techniques - hash - functions - hash - functions using modular arithmetic
  • Information technology - security techniques - hash - functions - part 4 : hash - functions using modular arithmetic
  • Information technology - security techniques - hash - functions - part 4 : hash - functions using modular arithmetic
  • It has important potential applications in copyright protection of digital media , secret communication and hidden annotation of host data . facing with this problems , aims of this paper will mainly focus on following aspects : 1 . combined with the logistic mapping in non - linearity dynamics system , an image - encrypting algorithm based on modular arithmetic in wavelet transform is designed
    本文在前人工作的基础上,针对当前数字水印和图象加密的发展状况,完成了以下工作: 1 、从多媒体数据安全的角度,分析了多媒体信息的特点,深入研究和分析了数字图象加密技术。
  • Montgomery multiplication algorithm is optimized for large - bit modular multiplication and vlsi implementation . it is combined with the r - l right to left binary method to achieve speed improvement . special efforts are focused on the problems with long - bit modular arithmetic
用"modular arithmetic"造句  


In mathematics, modular arithmetic (sometimes called clock arithmetic) is a system of arithmetic for integers, where numbers "wrap around" upon reaching a certain value?the modulus.
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